Here is the Steyr before the Duracoat. It was simple as everything is enclosed in a "carriage". The trigger group slid out easily after removing the slide release and the safety switch. I did however lose the spring behind it so I had to replace it with another I had laying around (actually stole one from my trusty Zebra pen). But it works fine. The only thing i thought I may have a problem with was removing the magazine release but after removing it (clever design, spring slides out on the safety side) I thought the problem I might have was putting it back in but that was actually pretty easy, took maybe a few minutes. The only masking I had to do was the serial number. After the dis-assembly and the sandblasting it was easy, the whole project took me half a day. I am thinking of doing the slide and magazine bottoms a copper or bronze with metal flake and filing the lettering with flat dark earth. Still thinking about it. May talk a friend into letting me experiment with his first. Give him a break on cost or something ;)
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