This is my new AR. It is built on a Doublestar lower with a DPMS LPK, Magpul 6 position CTR buttstock (FDE), the upper is a DSArms 1:7 16" with a Tapco FDE Intrafuse handgard. I added a tactical light operated by a pressure switch housed in the EMA Mag grip, a Sight Mark red dot sight and flip up rear sight. Looking to add a Phantom flash hider and green laser next.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
My M4
This is my new AR. It is built on a Doublestar lower with a DPMS LPK, Magpul 6 position CTR buttstock (FDE), the upper is a DSArms 1:7 16" with a Tapco FDE Intrafuse handgard. I added a tactical light operated by a pressure switch housed in the EMA Mag grip, a Sight Mark red dot sight and flip up rear sight. Looking to add a Phantom flash hider and green laser next.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Everyone seems to love the Punisher. We get cups and things at work free so I decided to "personalize" mine. When I got it, it was silver and had the company logo on it. Here it was AFTER I was done. I have done a few since then with other images. My favorite was the Bio hazard design that said Contaminated Human Blood. I'll get pics.
Here are a few after I duracoated my second Steyr. I love this weapon. Too bad I sold one already...kinda made me feel sick :(
Monday, May 3, 2010
The Punisher XDm .40

Here is the .40 XDm I traded for my FNP-9. When I got it it was all black. After having it for about a week I HAD to amke it reflect the owner (me)! Normally I don't use the digital patterns for my own weapons but I decided to with this one. I decided on the Urban digital pattern with the Punisher skull on top. Back story on this trade is my good friend and shooting partner John had trouble shooting the .40 XDm (I know, it has a match barrel STANDARD) and loved shooting my FNP. The kick was more managable for him. I was bulls-eyeing everything with the XDm and was used to shooting guns with more "umph" to em. We bought the pistols at the same time, same day for about the same price. One day he asked me to trade. I was all over it as I never wanted a 9mm anyway and had intended on selling it anyway. So, with that I traded him and we were both happy. He consolidated to all 9mm and I had another .40 with a match barrel. So, I have it for a week and decided on a pattern. It took about 2 weeks and another 2 to cure. After that, I took it to the range to show it off. I got a LOT of looks and people asking who did it or whats that type of questions. Needless to say he thought it was awesome and really wanted it back. I made him wait for a month or so to tease him but finally ended up trading him back. After all, he is a good friend and it was his first pistol. Now it hopefully has more sentimental value to it. Something he can pass to his kids one day. Next, I will share the story and pictures of the Beretta 92 I did for him. Boondock Saints style.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Oklahoma Abortion law
Normally I don't blogg about this sort of stuff but felt like it today. There is a new law in Oklahoma that requires women that WANT an abortion to understand what is at stake. The Dr. performing the abortion must turn the screen towards the woman and point out things like dimensions of the child, number of fingers and toes and heart activity etc.. I don't know for sure why this has to be done, possibly to educate the woman about what is going to be removed from her body? Possibly (hopefully) to change her mind. I'm sure if she did have a change of heart the child would thank her. Just imagine how the child in the Roe vs. Wade feels today...Or the mother for that matter who is a big time supporter of unborn childrens rights now. Anyway...I was reading on of the new law and reading my favorite part of the stories, the comments. I was surprised by all the womans rights advocates that were berating the new law and calling the supporters the "religous right (Republican bible beaters I suppose)" and MEN? Like Demoncrates have no religous conviction, are godless heathens and are all abortion advocates? And not all MEN are against abortion. I'm sure there are a ton of men out there that are glade to see it legal. They can go out and have sex with who ever they choose and the only consiquence if a "Ooops" happens is pay the fee and "accident" cured.
It seems to me that when some people don't get their way they have to complain start the name calling. What ever happened to commen sense? Commen sense would seem to dictate that if there is a medical procedure that will be done the Dr. should try everything in there power to educate the woman of the consequences of any procedure. Both short term and long term. States have the right to pass laws to protect their citizens. I feel this includes both born AND unborn. Are there medical reasons abortions should be performed? Sure. In cases of molestation, incest, rape or if the mothers health is in jeopardy of course the woman should have the right to choose to abort. But in other cases where the girl has gotten pregnant because she was sexually active and pregnant at a young age and got knocked up or a woman was sleeping around and got knocked up and already has too many kids to take care of or never wanted kids to begin with adoption should NOT be an option. When I have an "accident" I have to pay for my mistakes. This should NOT include killing an innocent person because it would be convenient. Thats not "paying" for a mistake, thats eliminating one.
So, all these "feminists"are leaving comments like one of "endofanerror's" comment stating it is legal and a "REAL" person has more rights than a maybe gonna be person? How sick is that! Are you kidding me? I think the Nazi's and Italian's did something similair in the 30's and 40's. I guess they just called that late term abortion? Well, we stopped that. Maybe she'd be happy with China's one child policy. It's legal too. I don't think Anti abortion commentators were questioning the legality of the issue, just the morality. She also asked who decides what the last resort is and decided herself it should be the woman. What about the men? Where are they in this equation? They don't have a say? If it were MY child I'd welcome the opertunity to keep my child if the woman I was dating didn't want the child. I'd BETTER have a say!
So, let me get this right (correct), anti abortion commentators are religous people who are wanting to give an unborn REAL (thats right endofanerror) person a voice and the womans rights commentators are all Nazi followers who feel it is okay to kill if THEY think it is okay? One side seems to care about the children and the other seems to be selfish. Here is a thought, if your looking to "play around" and have sex and have no intentions of getting pregnant and raising the child then get used to taking it analy.
It seems to me that when some people don't get their way they have to complain start the name calling. What ever happened to commen sense? Commen sense would seem to dictate that if there is a medical procedure that will be done the Dr. should try everything in there power to educate the woman of the consequences of any procedure. Both short term and long term. States have the right to pass laws to protect their citizens. I feel this includes both born AND unborn. Are there medical reasons abortions should be performed? Sure. In cases of molestation, incest, rape or if the mothers health is in jeopardy of course the woman should have the right to choose to abort. But in other cases where the girl has gotten pregnant because she was sexually active and pregnant at a young age and got knocked up or a woman was sleeping around and got knocked up and already has too many kids to take care of or never wanted kids to begin with adoption should NOT be an option. When I have an "accident" I have to pay for my mistakes. This should NOT include killing an innocent person because it would be convenient. Thats not "paying" for a mistake, thats eliminating one.
So, all these "feminists"are leaving comments like one of "endofanerror's" comment stating it is legal and a "REAL" person has more rights than a maybe gonna be person? How sick is that! Are you kidding me? I think the Nazi's and Italian's did something similair in the 30's and 40's. I guess they just called that late term abortion? Well, we stopped that. Maybe she'd be happy with China's one child policy. It's legal too. I don't think Anti abortion commentators were questioning the legality of the issue, just the morality. She also asked who decides what the last resort is and decided herself it should be the woman. What about the men? Where are they in this equation? They don't have a say? If it were MY child I'd welcome the opertunity to keep my child if the woman I was dating didn't want the child. I'd BETTER have a say!
So, let me get this right (correct), anti abortion commentators are religous people who are wanting to give an unborn REAL (thats right endofanerror) person a voice and the womans rights commentators are all Nazi followers who feel it is okay to kill if THEY think it is okay? One side seems to care about the children and the other seems to be selfish. Here is a thought, if your looking to "play around" and have sex and have no intentions of getting pregnant and raising the child then get used to taking it analy.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Guns & Ammo Dinner Table

Here is a dinner table in my house, I call it a full meal :) It is my CETME with original wood furniture (also have it with FN Green furniture), My Steyr, Beretta, Doublestar M4 and FNP-9. And some ammo and other items. Up late trying to be all artsy and what naught...
FNP-9 And Steyr M40 A1

Here are two of my favorite sidearms before doing the Steyr. Still trying to decide on what to do with the FNP. I did sell it to a friend (actually traded it for his '95 Ford Mark 4 van...runs nice) but he gives me free reign on what I want to do. I did his Beretta 96 (also an ex-gun of mine) and it turned out pretty good. He is also from So. Cal so I did a So. Cal design for him. I love doing the Beretta 92's and 96's. There are sooo many things you can do, great design and a comfortable weapon.
Before Flat Dark Earth

Here is the Steyr before the Duracoat. It was simple as everything is enclosed in a "carriage". The trigger group slid out easily after removing the slide release and the safety switch. I did however lose the spring behind it so I had to replace it with another I had laying around (actually stole one from my trusty Zebra pen). But it works fine. The only thing i thought I may have a problem with was removing the magazine release but after removing it (clever design, spring slides out on the safety side) I thought the problem I might have was putting it back in but that was actually pretty easy, took maybe a few minutes. The only masking I had to do was the serial number. After the dis-assembly and the sandblasting it was easy, the whole project took me half a day. I am thinking of doing the slide and magazine bottoms a copper or bronze with metal flake and filing the lettering with flat dark earth. Still thinking about it. May talk a friend into letting me experiment with his first. Give him a break on cost or something ;)
Here is my new old gun, just a fresh coat of Duracoat. I had a hard time choosing what I wanted to do to it to make it "mine". To stand out from the rest. I have seen many pictures of other Steyr M series pistols but nothing other than black. I think this side arm is a superior weapon and my favorite of my pistols which include the following but not in order of favorites, Springfield .40 XDM, a great weapon, well balanced and very accurate with it's standard Match grade barrel and 16+ capacity mags, I will include pictures of it in later posts, my FNP 9, another great pistol with its low recoil to get back on target faster, accuracy, hi cap mags. I feel it would be a great carry pistol. And last but not least my Springfield 1911 Government issue with it's Powerful .45 cartridge, slim design, accuracy, after market possibilities, proven dependability and of coarse it's history and legendary service.
Back to my M40 A1. I was wanting to do something that makes it stand out but with a polymer pistol there was only so much unlike other metal framed pistols. I was trying to decide between OD or FN green. FN green is my favorite and chose it for my CETME/G3 rifle and thought it appropriate since it IS an Austrian manufactured firearm. But, when the time came I decided to go with Magpul's flat dark earth since I am going to do my newest AR 15 the same color and I have another M40A1 to do and I saw an FNP 9 the same color.
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