Here is the .40 XDm I traded for my FNP-9. When I got it it was all black. After having it for about a week I HAD to amke it reflect the owner (me)! Normally I don't use the digital patterns for my own weapons but I decided to with this one. I decided on the Urban digital pattern with the Punisher skull on top. Back story on this trade is my good friend and shooting partner John had trouble shooting the .40 XDm (I know, it has a match barrel STANDARD) and loved shooting my FNP. The kick was more managable for him. I was bulls-eyeing everything with the XDm and was used to shooting guns with more "umph" to em. We bought the pistols at the same time, same day for about the same price. One day he asked me to trade. I was all over it as I never wanted a 9mm anyway and had intended on selling it anyway. So, with that I traded him and we were both happy. He consolidated to all 9mm and I had another .40 with a match barrel. So, I have it for a week and decided on a pattern. It took about 2 weeks and another 2 to cure. After that, I took it to the range to show it off. I got a LOT of looks and people asking who did it or whats that type of questions. Needless to say he thought it was awesome and really wanted it back. I made him wait for a month or so to tease him but finally ended up trading him back. After all, he is a good friend and it was his first pistol. Now it hopefully has more sentimental value to it. Something he can pass to his kids one day. Next, I will share the story and pictures of the Beretta 92 I did for him. Boondock Saints style.